How to automate Nginx Reverse Proxy and SSL creation

Reverse Proxy SSL Automation with Nginx, Docker, Letsencrypt and Cron

A Reverse Proxy with SSL encryption enables you to

  • pass requests to your external server names (like, to your upstream services (like http://localhost:3000) and to
  • access your applications in a secure manner through the https protocol.

In this YouTube video below we show you how to build a Reverse Proxy and SSL automation with Nginx, Docker, Letsencrypt and Cron.

And we also released this Nginx Reverse Proxy SSL Automation as a new product, so you either can buy it or you can build it yourself.

It comes with a Dockerfile and scripts to build your Nginx Reverse Proxy Docker Image and you can run it with Docker Run or Docker Compose.

It enables you to create your server names and their upstream services on your host, your docker containers, your docker compose services or on other servers with just one command.